Weather Station Status

Station system up for 2 days 9 hours
Station system free memory n/a
This website uses CumulusMX (3.28.5-b3282) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 0 days 7 hours.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:05am EST
CumulusMX realtime Current 0:00:07 Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:05am EST
CumulusMX FTP Current 0:00:07 Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:05am EST
CumulusMX weather data Current 0:00:30 Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:05am EST
CumulusMX NOAA report Current 3:05:07 Sat, 22-Feb-2025 12:00am EST
GRlevel3 Radar FTP Current 0:01:18 Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:04am EST

NEXRAD Radar KIND status: Active [last data 0:00:23 h:m:s ago]
as of Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:03am EST

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status

Backyard Cam NOT Current 10015:49:56 > 0:10:15
Mon, 01-Jan-2024 7:15pm EST
Forecast Summary NOT Current 30:14:23 > 0:10:15
Thu, 20-Feb-2025 8:51pm EST